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Talisker Select Reserve milik Game of Thrones Single Malt Collection ti DIAGEO. Saatos édisi khusus Johnnie Walker White Label, Diageo nampilkeun Kumpulan Single Malt. Malt tunggal ti tempat panyulingan anu béda, ngagaduhan nami tujuh kulawarga karajaan tina séri terkenal "Game of Thrones".

Talisker Select Reserve didaptarkeun ka Royal House of Greyjoy.

Ngaran-ngaran imah karajaan:
- Game of Thrones - House Tully
- Game of Thrones - House Stark
- Game of Thrones - House Targaryen
- Game of Thrones - House Lannister
- Game of Thrones - The Night's Watch
- Game of Thrones - House Greyjoy
- Game of Thrones - House Baratheon
- Game of Thrones - House Tyrell

Catetan tuang:

Warna: Amber.
Irung: sengit, asep, maritim.
Rasa: amis, maritim, haseup, rempah.
Rengse: awét.

Talisker Select Reserve GAME OF THRONES House Greyjoy Single Malt Collection 45,8% Vol. 0,7l dina Giftbox

harga diobral €207.99
harga biasa €259.75Anjeun disimpen€51.76 OFF

Pajak kaasup. Balanja diitung di checkout


Talisker Select Reserve milik Game of Thrones Single Malt Collection ti DIAGEO. Saatos édisi khusus Johnnie Walker White Label, Diageo nampilkeun Kumpulan Single Malt. Malt tunggal ti tempat panyulingan anu béda, ngagaduhan nami tujuh kulawarga karajaan tina séri terkenal "Game of Thrones".

Talisker Select Reserve didaptarkeun ka Royal House of Greyjoy.

Ngaran-ngaran imah karajaan:
- Game of Thrones - House Tully
- Game of Thrones - House Stark
- Game of Thrones - House Targaryen
- Game of Thrones - House Lannister
- Game of Thrones - The Night's Watch
- Game of Thrones - House Greyjoy
- Game of Thrones - House Baratheon
- Game of Thrones - House Tyrell

Catetan tuang:

Warna: Amber.
Irung: sengit, asep, maritim.
Rasa: amis, maritim, haseup, rempah.
Rengse: awét.
Talisker Select Reserve GAME OF THRONES House Greyjoy Single Malt Collection 45,8% Vol. 0,7l in Giftbox
Talisker Select Reserve GAME OF THRONES House Greyjoy Single Malt Collection 45,8% Vol. 0,7l dina Giftbox
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